Zimbabwe Archbishop Banned From Casinos After Winning $30K, Credits Jackpot to God’s Revelation (Land Casino & Gambling News (Casino Projects & Openings) – Casino.org)

An archbishop who claims God gave him the secret to winning at casinos is now prohibited from entering Zimbabwe gaming properties after collecting about $30K at one site. Archbishop Emmanuel Mutumwa, pictured above, was banned from casinos in Zimbabwe after winning a record jackpot. (Image: The Zimbabwe Mail.) Archbishop Emmanuel Mutumwa won the record payout and began to celebrate, according to the UK Daily Star news outlet. But then he heard about the ban. “They claim that since I am a prophet, I am receiving visions from God about the winning numbers. They fear they will go bankrupt because I will win too often,” Mutumwa said. In an interview with B-Metro, a Zimbabwe news organization, Mutumwa described the ban as “utterly immoral and predatory.” He lashed out at the casinos. They should understand that if you are playing and winning according to the house rules, the casino has no reason… Read More

Category: Live Casinos, Regulation, africa, jackpots, regulation, Zimbabwe 

Source: Land Casino & Gambling News (Casino Projects & Openings) – Casino.org